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Peter Poltarev

Пётр Полтарев

From the name of the only Ukrainian school of jazz and pop art I am happy to greet all the participants of the contest “The Voice of the Country” which allows our young people to express themselves precisely in the field of art.

And as jazz in our art is not the last place, it is for our musicians, for our artists, for our singers, we are judged worldwide. We wish all the participants: jazz improvisation in life and all that, that actually gives the music jazz. After all, jazz is the music of freedom! Jazz is music of democracy! People fought against totalitarianism with jazz melodies, so this music is so urgent and necessary to our people. Thank you all and with great hope that the “The Voice of the Country” will be the festival or competition, which will be able to unite our children and, probably, the adults in a single information space of art, music and creativity. Because creativity is an aspect that is just as necessary for our children, as well as for adults.